अभिव्यक्ति के तमाम साधन हैं, इनमें पत्र-पत्रिकाओं से लेकर ब्लॉग और सोशल नेटवर्किंग वेबसाइट्स तक शामिल हैं। कोई भी माध्यम अन्य माध्यमों की उपेक्षा नहीं कर सकता। आज हर माध्यम एक-दूसरे का परस्पर पूरक बन चुका है। हिंदी अख़बारों के लिए यह पहले से ही कहता जाता रहा है कि वे अंग्रेजी से जुडी चीजों को भी उतना ही स्थान देते हैं। ..पर अब प्रतिष्ठित अंग्रेजी अख़बार भी हिंदी से जुडी चीजों को हाथों-हाथ ले रहे हैं। अंग्रेजी अख़बारों में हिंदी ब्लागिंग की भी चर्चा हो रही है।
NET savvy Krishna Kumar Yadav and his wife Akanksha have been contributing to literature through blogging for years now Last year the couple was awarded by the CM with ‘awadh samman’ for new mdeia blogging and ‘blogger of the decade’ award.
ALLAHABAD: The net savvy couple Krishna Kumar Yadav and his wife Akanksha Yadav who have carved a nicha in new media of creativity – blogging – have been selected for International awards ‘Parikalpana Sahitya Samman’ and ‘Parikalpana Blog Vibhusan Award’ respectively by Parikalpana Group for their contributions to literature through blogging.
The coveted awards would be conferred on them during the ‘International Blogging Conference’ to be held on September 13-14 in Rajbhawan at Kathmandu, Nepal. KK Yadav is employed as director postal services in Allahabad region.
Last year the couple was awarded by chief minister Akhilesh Yadav with ‘Awadh Samman’ for new media blogging and ‘Blogger of the decade’ award on completion of 10 years of Hindi Blogging.
“I entered the field of blogging in 2008 with ‘Shabd Srijan Ki or’ and ‘Dakia Dak Laya’ while Akansha started blogging with ‘Shabd Shikhar’ in the same year. Within months, we started receiving response from people across the globe,” said KK Yadav.
The couple’s blogs have also motivated a number of people to enter the field of blogging and provide new dimension to Hindi blogging through their literary creativity.
“My blogs focus on social issues, heart touching poems and informative research articles whereas those of Akanksha touch the issues relating to women, child welfare and society and her creations reflect women empowerment,” added Yadav.
The creations of this couple are published regularly in various reputed papers, magazines and on internet in web magazines. Six books of Krishna Kumar Yadav have also been published, which include collections of poetry and essays, a book on 150-years of India Post and non-fictional work, ‘Krantiyagya: 1857-1947 ki Gatha’. A children book, ‘Jungle me cricket’ is also authored by Yadav.
A creation of Akanksha – ‘Chaand par pani’ – has been published. “It is a proud moment for me and my family members. I started writing glogs to express my literary creativity and am happy that now my blogs are being viewed by hundreds of readers from across the globe,” said Akansha Yadav.
A number of national as well as international bloggers are expected to be present in this conference to discuss social aspects of new media such as blog, website, webportal and social networking sites.
The couple’s daoughter Akshitaa (Pakhi) was in 2011 awarded ‘Best baby blogger’ award for her glog ‘Pakhi ki duniy’ and is also the youngest ‘National Child Award winner’ of India.
(Courtesy: Hindustan Times, 24 August 2013)
(It may be also read at http://activeindiatv.com/miscellaneous/11864-blogger-couple-set-to-receive-intl-award)